
The Quick Guide to Kitchen Appliances, Repairs, Maintenance and More

The Quick Guide to Kitchen Appliances, Repairs, Maintenance and More In the United States, 98% of households owned a refrigerator in 2017. Now, multiply that by the 127.59 million households in the country. That means there are over 125 million fridges in U.S. homes alone. But that's not all. Almost a quarter of American homes have two or more fridges! And let's not forget the other…

6 Common Dryer Problems That Require a Service Call

6 Common Dryer Problems That Require a Service Call Each year, Portland homeowners spend 1 percent of their home’s total value on maintenance and repairs. Failing to provide a homeowner with the care it needs can cause big problems. As a homeowner, it is your job to inspect your residence and find repair issues before they cause a lot of damage. Most…